Grab My Blinkie


About Me

Hello, This is Reina

I go by the name LadyQueen

psp is my hobby and passion, I love to create.

thanks for stopping by

CT Tags -Tuts and Snag Tags

This blog was originally for my tutorials..I have stopped writting tutorials for a while, but my old tuts are still here.. This is where i will share allmy CT tags and Snags that you are welcomed to save to yourcomputer and use them in your groups.Please do not rip apart and please do not claim as your own. Thank you

I CT For

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Saturday, December 28, 2013
This tutorial was written on Dec 28th 2013
Supplies needed
psp any version should work
beautiful Silent night Scrapkit by Totally Sweet Designs you can purchase the kit
Winter mask you can find here Dangerously Delicious
word art you can find here
eye candy 4000 gradient glow.
font used Holiday house
Zindy tube can be purchased here do not use without license.
Ok lets get started
open up a new 700x550 transparent image

copy and paste paper 9 as a new layer

open DD_WinterMask 1 in psp
layers/new mask from image find your mask and apply to
this paper layer.

duplicate the make, image/mirror
copy and paste frame 3 as a new layer
resize by 80%

image/rotate to the right by 90 degrees

make a selection on the middle part of your frame
open paper 1 , copy and paste as a new layer.
move up just a little (see my tag for refrence)

copy and paste your tube as a new layer if you have to resize do so.
Selections/invert hit delete on this layer and your paper layer.
Select none.

move both your paper and tube below the frame.
on your frame layer add a drop shadow

change the opacity on your tube layer to about 60.
copy and paste the word art as a new layer.
resize by 50% twice
move to the side of your frame (see my tag)
selections/select all, float, defloat

add a new raster layer, and flood fill with color of your choice or
#7291a0, Selections/select none.
delete original layer.
add noise uniform 71%.

eye candy 4000 gradient glow with #f4e2c9
add eye candy again just change color to white.
add the reindeer resize by 50%, add branch 3 resize by 50% add
drop shadow of choice see tag for placements.
paste snowflake 3 as a new layer place behind frame but above your
mask layers. move to the top of tag.

paste candy cane as a new layer resize by 50% move up under your
word art layer, (see tag for placement).

paste ribbon 5 or one of your choice, resize by 50% then again by 70%
place over candy-cane
paste some of the bigger snowflakes from the kit and place on your tag.
add your cr and license to your tag, add your name.
thank you for trying my tutorial.


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